Compliance with GFCM decisionsMonitoring, control and surveillance
IUU fishing
National legislation
GFCM recommendations are binding legal instruments which must be transposed by Contracting Parties and cooperating non-Contracting Parties into their national legislation. Other instruments adopted by the GFCM – such as resolutions, roadmaps or methodologies – may also require national legislative action to become operational. Ensuring that its recommendations and instruments are transposed effectively into national legislation is central to achieving the objectives of the GFCM. It is also crucial to ensure that, once transposed, national legislation remains up to date and accessible to a wide array of users in order to facilitate the identification of gaps and the sharing of best practices across the region.
- Assessment of the level of transposition of GFCM decisions into national legislation and their consequent implementation, based in part on annual reporting to the GFCM Compliance Committee.
- Evaluation of the adequateness of national legislations in place, and consequent revision of their outdated/superseded aspects.
- Analysis and harmonization of national legislation – based on a standard methodology – to provide coherent legal frameworks for the implementation of GFCM management and conservation measures, through comparable and widely accessible legal texts.
- Provision of technical assistance in the drafting and revision of national legislation, in close cooperation with the FAO Legal Office Establishment and maintenance of the GFCM repository of national legislation, the database of GFCM decisions and related Compendium and GFCM-Lex, in multiple languages.
- Awareness raising on GFCM recommendations and related national legislation, to encourage best practices across the region.
- Agreement for the establishment of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, GFCM (AR | EN | ES | FR )
- Rules of Procedures, GFCM (AR | EN | ES | FR )
- Compendium of GFCM Decisions, 2019 (EN | FR)
- Table of recent GFCM decisions (2005-2019)
- Pilot project towards a harmonized legal framework for the conservation of Mediterranean living marine resources and ecosystems | GFCM-Lex
- FAOLEX Database