General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Data & Info > Vulnerable species

Monitoring incidental catch of vulnerable species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea - Methodology for data collection

Preparation of this document

This document was prepared by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), thanks to the inputs provided by partner organizations: Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS), BirdLife International, International Union for Conservation of Nature – Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN MED), Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET) and Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) – in the context of the joint project “Understanding Mediterranean multi-taxa ‘bycatch’ of vulnerable species and testing mitigation – a collaborative approach”, funded by the MAVA Foundation.


The main objective of this document is to develop and implement an efficient, standardized data collection and monitoring system for all vulnerable species (i.e. sharks and rays, seabirds, sea turtles, marine mammals encountered in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries through:

  • providing minimum standards for collection of data on vulnerable species;
  • standardizing data to be collected, including forms to allow repeatability and comparisons among fisheries in the region.

Moreover, a minimum set of data (e.g. presence and abundance) should be collected for the main benthic species composing VMEs, such as sponges and corals

Download the publication

By clicking on the following links it will be possible to download the annexes (as reported and described in the whole document) for the on-board observations, questionnaires, and for the self-sampling operations. Furthermore, a description of the annexes (with the instructions, codes which should be used) can be found in the methodology “Monitoring incidental catch of vulnerable species”.

Excel files

Annex 1. Vulnerable species
Annexe 1. Espèces vulnérables
Ek 1. Hassas türler

Annex 2. Geographical subareas (GSAs)
Annexe 2. Sous-régions géographiques et sous-régions de la CGPM
Ek 2. GFCM coğrafi alt alanlar (GSA) ve alt bölgeler

Annex 3. Templates for observers on board
Annexe 3. Modèles à l’intention des observateurs embarqués
Ek 3. Tekne gözlemcileri için tablolar

Annex 4. Templates for biological data
Annexe 4. Modèles de formulaires pour le relevé de données biologiques
Ek 4. Biyolojik veri tablosu

Annex 5. Length measurements
Annexe 5. Mesures de taille
Ek 5. Uzunluk ölçüleri

Annex 6. Vulnerable benthic species
Annexe 6. Espèces benthiques vulnérables
Ek 6. Hassas bentik türler

Annex 7. Questionnaire forms
Annexe 7. Questionnaires
Ek 7. Anket formları

Annex 8. Self-sampling
Annexe 8. Auto-échantillonnage
Ek 8. Bireysel örnekleme

Annex 9. Stranding data
Annexe 9. Données sur les échouages
Ek 9. Karaya vurma verisi

Annex 10. Fleet segments
Annexe 10. Segments de la flotte de pêche
Ek 10. Filo segmentleri

Annex 11. Fishing gear
Annexe 11. Engins de pêche
Ek 11. Av araçları

Annex 12. Vulnerable species rate and estimation
Annexe 12. Espèces vulnérables taux et estimation
Ek 12. Hassas tür oranı ve tahminleri

Annex 13. Template for marine macro-litter
Annexe 13. Macro-déchets marins
Ek 13. Deniz makro-çöpleri için tablo

Annex 14. Weather conditions
Annexe 14. Conditions météorologiques
Ek 14. Hava koşulları

Sheet for reporting single Fishing Operation
Fiche de consignation des données collectées au cours d’une opération de pêche
Tek bir balıkçılık operasyonunu raporlamak için kullanılacak tablo