Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
©Korea Fisheries Infrastructure Public Agency
An area famous for using hand nets to fish for marsh clams in the Seomjingang River Estuary of the Republic of Korea is the latest site to be formally recognized as a GIAHS. 
©Promotion Association for the Kyoutou Area
This year´s International Symposium will be organized in a hybrid style to focus on concrete activities implemented by family famers in GIAHS sites, related to the promotion and marketing of their agricultural products through various methods and approaches (e.g., labelling or certification systems, exploration of new supply chain, new demand, niche market, etc.). Experts and representatives of GIAHS will discuss their impacts as well as the issues and challenges faced by small-scale and family farmers to initiate and achieve...
Five new sites - a mushroom-growing area in China, a traditional Maya agroforestry system in Mexico, an ancient community linking pastoralists and farmers in Morocco, a diverse mountain agrifood system in Spain and a landscape centred on the buffalo in Thailand - have been formally recognized as  Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). 
GIAHS Siwa Oasis, Egypt
27/10/2022 Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) flagship programme of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)   today celebrated its 20th anniversary, highlighting its role in promoting sustainable agriculture and revitalizing the rural communities who are responsible for feeding a significant proportion of the earth’s population.
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