Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
In occasion of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Globally Important Agricultrual Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme, FAO launched the programme´s first digital publication, titled "Twenty years of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems - Success stories of dynamic conservation for sustainable rural development."  The digital publication is in line with FAO´s new digital strategy and features 7 success stories from Africa, Asia and the Pacific , Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and...
Stunning natural landscapes evolving over centuries, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) sustain communities and their cultures simultaneously. Within these systems, a symbiotic relationship exists between the agricultural landscape and the wider social environment. Just as the communities depend on these ecosystems for their livelihoods, the conservation of these ecosystems rests on the traditional knowledge and sustainable practices of these communities.
To celebrate theachievements of GIAHS over the past 20 years, FAO is delighted to invite you tothe ceremony that will take place in virtual format on Thursday, 27 October 2022 from 10:00 to16:30 (CEST). On this occasion, high-level government officials of member countries from five different regions will give a short speech to share the results and experiences of their GIAHS sites.  In addition, experts from numerous GIAHS sites will have...
©FAO/Fernanda Testa Monteiro
In view of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme, the GIAHS Secretariat had launched a Global Call to provide designated and proposed GIAHS countries the opportunity to submit digital material and share unique insights from the field and of their work with the international community.  The purpose of this Global Call was to provide GIAHS countries the opportunity to a) raise awaresness for the...
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