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The vegetation indicators (NDVI anomaly, VCI and VHI) provide alternative measures of the relative vegetation health. These indices can be used to monitor the areas where vegetation may be stressed, as a proxy to detect potential drought. The precipitation indicators present a global analysis of the absolute (mm) and relative (%) rainfall levels per dekad, in addition to the long-term average precipitation levels (mm).
All three vegetation indicators are based on 10-day (dekadal) vegetation data from the METOP-AVHRR sensor at 1 km resolution (2007 and after). Data at 1 km resolution for the period 1984-2006 was derived from the NOAA-AVHRR dataset at 16 km resolution. Precipitation estimates for all African countries (except Cabo Verde and Mauritius) are taken from NOAA/FEWSNet, while for the remaining countries data is obtained from ECMWF.
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