Strenghtening Afghanistan Institutions' capacity for the Assessment of Agriculture Production and Scenario Development

Capacity development

The project is designed to ensure the sustainability of the use of the tools and techniques (LRIMS, NAEZ and impact assessments) introduced through the project through a series of customised training programmes and learning modules for selected staff from the Government of Afghanistan.

Training will deliver a combination of e-learning, webinar trainings and traditional training to provide comprehensive materials.The training programme will incorporate training of trainers (from main department/division staff) who can then cascade down training of others (e.g. to provincial staff). This will support the technical certification through MAIL and teaching skills development to ensure successful extension of these approaches beyond the life of the project. This will improve and strengthennational capacity to facilitate monitoring, analysis and interpretation of agriculture and natural resources information combined with information generated from remote sensing for sustainable agricultural land use planning and management.

The training and capacity development strategy is to:

Customise and run high level training on running impact scenarios and adaptation strategies at national and provincial levels. This supports the application of the NAEZ and LRIMS tools to inform agricultural options appraisal and decision-making. It will assist in the integration of the data and scenarios developed into national agricultural policy, plans and programmes.

The dissemination of agricultural information and statistics to farmers will be achieved through Famer Field Schools (FFSs). The project will develop the Trainers of Trainers (ToTs) capacity to extend the project activities and to disseminate the project results to the farmers at local and national levels.

Deliver training materials in geo-information acquisition and technology. The training will support the use of data for agricultural mapping, monitoring and agricultural statistics and yield estimation.

A series of e-Learning modules and units in geospatial information for agricultural mapping and agricultural yield estimation and statistics will be generated and customised to support the wider dissemination of training. The project will benefit from a wide range of learning modules being developed by FAO projects that are supporting agricultural crop monitoring in Pakistan and the EU-funded Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture (SIGMA) programme.