e-Approach, the EAF-Nansen Programme Newsletter
- Research Vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen advances sustainable fisheries in Ghana
- Bridging science and sustainability at the UN Ocean Decade Conference
- Studying transboundary demersal fisheries along Africa's northwest coast
- New photographic equipment improves species identification
- Continued support for fisheries management plan in Senegal
- Hands-on training on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries empowers local fishing communities in Côte d'Ivoire
- SVC4SIDS and EAF-Nansen Programme advances improved fisheries management in Cabo Verde
- New structure of the national strategic plan for the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Sao Tomé and Principe
- Paving the way for a more sustainable fisheries sector in São Tomé and Príncipe
- Videos and photos: The research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen docks at RAI3
- Videos and photos: FAO Webcast: EAF-Nansen Programme - Science Serving Sustainability
- Videos and photos: Photo album: Workshop on social, economic, and other human dimensions in fisheries management decision-making
- Publications: Assessing the distribution and impact of marine litter in Africa and the Bay of Bengal
- Norway allocates 1 billion NOK to next phase of the Programme
- Improving the understanding of pelagic fish in northwest African waters
- Taking stock of achievements in improving fisheries management in Senegal
- Unveiling nature's slithery secrets
- Videos and photos: EAF-Nansen Programme Mini-Symposium and Forum 2023
- Videos: Research vessel (R/V) Dr. Fridtjof Nansen - When technology serves sustainability
- Resources: Research vessel (R/V) Dr. Fridtjof Nansen - When technology serves sustainability
- Partnerships: EAF-Nansen Programme and the 'Ocean Decade'
- EAF-Nansen Programme showcases achievements in sustainable fisheries management
- Photos & Video: EAF-Nansen Programme Mini-Symposium & Forum 2023
- Elearning courses on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF)
- EAF-Nansen Programme and the 'Ocean Decade'
- Large numbers of Humpback whales observed off the southern Mozambique Coast
- Assisting the United Republic of Tanzania with review of the fisheries policy and legislation
- Tanzania welcomed the research vessel Dr. Fridtjof Nansen
- Enhancing Shark Conservation and Management
- Video: Meet the incredible Dr. Fridtjof Nansen!
- Photos: Dr. Fridtjof Nansen in Mozambique
- FAO elearning Academy – Ecosystem approach to fisheries: Introduction
- Partnerships: 'Ocean Decade' - Africa Information Webinar
- Future events
- Collaboration for sustainable management of marine resources in Mozambique
- World Environment Day 2023: Spotlighting solutions to beat plastic pollution
- Advancing biodiversity research with discovery of new fish species in Myanmar
- The Gambia initiates gender mainstreaming initiative for the fisheries sector
- EAF-Nansen Program supports the identification and harmonization of management measures for shared Sardinella fisheries in The Gambia
- Survey in Namibian waters delivers sea sparkles and high quality data on important pelagic fish species
- Assessing priority fisheries in the Gulf of Guinea using the EAF implementation monitoring tool
- Regional coordination for sustainable beach seine fisheries management in the Gulf of Guinea
- In the Media: New species discovery by the EAF-Nansen Programme featured in WWF report
- E-learning: Ecosystem approach to fisheries: Introduction
- E-learning: Ecosystem approach to fisheries: Planning
- Partnerships: EAF-Nansen Programme and the UN 'Ocean Decade'
- Future events
- Event in the port of Luanda marked the start of the first survey in 2023
- Fish taxonomy research develops local talent and leadership in Tenerife
- Over 40 years of research surveys result in one of the most substantial pools of shark data in the world
- Hayat Ben-ayad hopes her study on cold-water corals will inspire more women to join STEM community
- Consultations with stakeholders of Senegalese Sardinella fishery result in identification of measures for fisheries management plan
- Partner highlights: Annual meeting of high-level advisory group for UN Ocean Decade 'Empowering Women Programme'
- Partner highlights: Support to “PRIMA Learning” jellyfish workshop in Cape Town
- Publication: Legal reports on the ecosystem approach to fisheries
- Videos: EAF-Nansen Youtube Channel
- Fisheries experts in Africa adopt skills to lead training courses on the EAF
- Final research surveys in 2022 shed light on small pelagic stocks in Africa
- Mainstreaming gender - Successes and lessons learned from past 2 years
- 9th Scientific Sub-Committee of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic
- Publication: Lifting back the waters: Marine geophysics provides new insights into the uThukela Banks Marine Protected Area
- Publication: Distribution and Abundance of the Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus indica) off Sri Lanka during the Southwest Monsoon 2018
- Publications: Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in: The Gambia, Kenya, Gabon, Madagascar, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Senegal, Benin, Mozambique, Bangladesh, and Tanzania
- Video: Smith Memorial Lecture: Launch of the Coastal Fishes of the Western Indian Ocean
- Highlights from the EAF-Nansen Programme Forum 2022 in Dakar, Senegal and the event in the Port of Dakar to showcase the research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- A life dedicated to the Nansen Programme
- Senegal initiates management plan for Sardinella fisheries
- Series of fish taxonomy workshops starting in November
- Research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen sails beyond national borders to study corals and sponges in the depths of the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Video: A special voyage with the Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Video: Ocean decade laboratories: 'A productive ocean'
- Explore the wondrous jellyfish of West Africa in new illustrated guide
- Importance of Nansen survey data for stock assessment and fisheries management
- EAF-Nansen Programme: a global platform for promoting women in science
- EAF-Nansen Programme launches fourth scientific survey in Northwest Africa to study demersal fisheries in the region
- Findings from the Sierra Leone Rise will support the protection of vulnerable ecosystems in the Central Atlantic
- Video: Ocean Decade Laboratory on : 'A Safe Ocean'
- Video: Get a glimpse of the work in a fish lab on board the Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Nansen marine ecosystem survey in Cabo Verde: key highlights
- The research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen takes off to study marine life in Cabo Verde Waters
- Discovery of a new species of giant guitarfish in Bangladesh raises country's ambition about solid taxonomic research
- Nansen research survey in Northwest Africa sets up a baseline to protect bottom-sea habitats
- Video: Launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022
- Video: Ocean Decade virtual series "A Clean Ocean"
- E-learning course: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries - Introduction
- Dr Fridtjof Nansen is back in African waters with first survey since March 2020
- Sardinella fisheries: quickly disappering vital source of food and nutrition security in Northwest Africa
- EAF-Nansen Programme Forum 2021: from present times to the future
- Tackling marine debris and microplastics with the Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- EAF-Nansen Programme - supporting the application of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management
- E-learning course: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries - Policy and Legal Implementation
- EAF-Nansen Programme enters the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030
- Empowering women in small-scale fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania
- Beach seine fishery in the Gulf of Guinea: Striking a balance between safeguarding livelihoods and maintaining a healthy ocean
- Video: High Level Launch of the Ocean Decade - First International Ocean Decade Conference
- Video: Transforming food systems with aquatic foods - access to sustainable, safe and nutritious food for all
- Promising future for filling the gap in ichthyoplankton identification
- Scientific illustration: an art in the service of science
- Regional workshops on the use of EAF-IMT tool
- Collaboration is key for the sustainability of small pelagics in the Eastern Central Atlantic
- Video: Blue Foods: Science for a Sustainable Future
- Video: A Brave New Ocean
- Shedding light on the ocean's "twilight zone"
- Studying the impacts of fishmeal production in Africa
- Fisheries institutions in 18 countries receive training on "Legal Diagnostic Tool" for implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
- EAF-Nansen Programme contribution towards climate change risks and vulnerability assessments in fisheries and aquaculture
- Workshop: Managing capacity- and data-poor fisheries through an Ecosystem Approach
- EAF-Nansen Programme take part in identifying opportunities and challanges for empowering women for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- The Mesopelagic Fish Guide: shedding light on 550 fish species in on of the largest ecosystems on earth
- CECAF-PESCAO Project conducts a series of case studies to ensure effective fisheries science and management in the Eastern Central Atlantic region
- EAF-Nansen Mentoring Programme 2020/2021
- Research opportunity for graduate students
- FAO Story: The long journey home for scientists aboard the Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Summary of key achievements and lessons learned by the EAF-Nansen Programme for World Oceans Day
- New practical guide on legislating for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
- Fish: The "perfect micronutrient" in ensuring global food security and nutrition
- Putting jellyfish on the Nansen's science agenda
- New tool to monitor implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF)
- Inception meeting of the "Shared Sardinella" Project at FAO Headquarters
- Building Africa's capacity for better fisheries management through taxonomy and marine species identification
- What does it take to be a co-cruise leader on board the Dr Fridtjof Nansen?
- The research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen begins exploration of West Africa’s marine life
- EAF-Nansen Programme Forum 2019: Showcasing the benefits of the EAF for sustainable fisheries and a healthy marine environment
- Official presentation of the results of the 2018 fishery resources and ecosystem surveys in Myanmar waters
- How is the EAF-Nansen Programme supporting the work of small projects in partner countries?
- CECAF Working Group met in Mauritania to assess the current state of the region's demersal species
- First regional training course on marine taxonomy and species identification in South East Asia
- Survey in SEAFO Convention Area to Enhance Understanding of South East Atlantic Ecosystems
- Determining Distribution and Abundance of Demersal Species and Communities in the South East Atlantic
- Post-Survey Meetings
- Support to the BCC Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish
- Implementation of EAF and Shared Stock Management
- Improving the management of shrimp fisheries in Congo
- The new R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen is now in the water
- EAF-Nansen training course in taxonomy and species identification - call for participants
- EAF-Nansen Training workshop on taxonomy and marine species identification
- R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Northwest Africa pelagic resources survey
- Western Indian Ocean planning meeting for the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)
- BCLME consultative meeting on the science plan of the EAF-Nansen Programme
- EAF-Nansen project at the eighth Conference of the Ministers of the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
- The International Indian Ocean Expedition
- The 2015 R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Demonstration survey across the southern Indian Ocean
- EAF-Nansen Training workshop on taxonomy and marine species identification
- The 2015 Norad/FAO/IMR semi-annual meeting
- EAF-Nansen training course on trawling and acoustic surveys
- Meeting on the development of a science plan for the new phase of the EAF-Nansen project
- EAF-Nansen at the COP 8 of the Nairobi Convention
- South West Indian Ocean Countries make progress in EAF Implementation
- New webpage dedicated to construction work on the new R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Nansis Training and Application workshop held in Ghana
- ZMT workshop on trans-disciplinary knowledge exchange
- Ninth Annual Meeting of the EAF-Nansen Project Partners held at Fiuggi, Italy
- The R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen SEAFO survey featured in the ABNJ workshop in Rome
- Inter-calibration between R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen and R/V Mirabilis
- EAF-Nansen/SEAFO survey with R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Growing following of the EAF-Nansen Project through Flick
- Workshop on tracking the implementation of EAF in the CECAF North Area
- Workshop on the fishery management cycle
- 3rd Joint meeting of the Regional Steering Committees (24 October)
- Norad/FAO/IMR Semi-Annual Meeting of the EAF-Nansen project
- Nansis Training of Trainers Workshop
- EAF-Nansen project at the 2nd International Ocean Research Conference
- Post survey meeting in Gabon
- The EAF Management Cycle
- EAF-Nansen project in Comoros
- A Teaching kit on EAF for schools in Africa
- Meeting held to review EAFwork in FAO
- Ecosystem survey off Gabon
- Sardinella recruitment studies in the coastal waters of Gabon, Congo and northern Angola
- Interruption of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen surveys
In this special issue of the e-Approach, we present a short report on the EAF-Nansen Project side event that was organised in Rome during the 31st Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI).
- Getting a new fisheries management system operational and reviewing its performance (culled from the EAF Toolbox)
- Regional workshop on the implementation of the shrimp fisheries management plans for Cameroon, Gabon and Nigeria
- Good timing of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen survey in Myanmar waters
- EAF Planning and Tool Selection – Management option evaluation and selection – Part II
- EAF’s Debut in Turkey
- Survey of Fishery Resources in Myanmar
- EAF Planning and Tool Selection – Management option evaluation and selection
- EAF Implementation Baseline Workshop in Accra, Ghana
- Environmental Monitoring for the Oil Industry
- Development of a Fisheries Management Plan - Indicators and Performance Measures (culled from the EAF Toolbox)
- Progress on the Management Plans
- The Ongoing Scientific Cruises
- Formulating Management and Operational Objectives for a Fishery Management Plan Under EAF (culled from the EAF Toolbox)
- Collection and Analysis of Information on the Human Dimensions of Fisheries Including the Development of a Field Monitoring Programme in the Benguela Current Commission Region
- The 2012 Nansen Cruise Plan
- Preparing a Fisheries Management Plan – initial Activities
- Improving the Management of Shrimp Fisheries in Cameroon, Gabon and Nigeria
- The FCWC and the EAF-Nansen Project: A Stronger Partnership for Regional Management of Beach Seine Fisheries
- The Ecosystem Approach to Fishereis: A Boon for Beach Seine Fishery Management in the Region
- 2012 CCLME Ecosystem Survey
- Improving Communication on the Work of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- Types of Issues for Consideration in ERA for EAF
- EAF Country Projects
- Improving the Management of the Beach Seine Fishery in Coastal Waters of Benin, Togo, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
- The 2011 CCLME Ecosystem Survey
- Nansen Surveys in the BCC Area
- A toolbox for the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
- Development of Sierra Leonean Fisheries Act
- An Outside Perspective on the EAF-Nansen Project
- EAF Capacity building workshops held in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Ecosystem Survey off Cape Verde
- Survey in the Nigeria/São Tomé and Príncipe Joint Development Zone
- Second meeting of the Ecosystem Survey Planning and Analysis Working Group held in Casablanca, Morocco
- Nansis version 1.6 released
- The Issue with Issues!
- ERA Workshops held in Douala, Libreville and Lome
- Point of view of the COREP on the conduct of ERA meetings on industrial shrimp fisheries
- Garbage Pollution of Marine Deepwater Habitats
- EAF-Nansen Post Survey Meeting held in Dar es Salaam
- Ecosystems 2010
- Legislating for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries – A Review of Trends and Options in Africa
- Rare species found during R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen cruises
- EAF – Some Terminology
- GIS for EAF
- EAF Focal Points are better equipped for the implementation of project activities – Dr Salvador Ngoande
- FAO/BCC EAF Projects Launched
- EAF "Baby" Projects Launched
- The R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Survey Reports available at the EAF-Nansen website
- The FAO Northwest Africa Small Pelagic Working Group
Celebrates 10 Years of Work
- EAF – the Principles
- A Strategy Towards Regional EAF Implementation in the South West Indian Ocean Area - Dr Renison Ruwa
- Mission to inspect the R/V General Lansana Conte
- EAF National Task Groups Resourced
- The R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Southern Indian Ocean Seamounts Cruise
- EAF – the Genesis
- Bringing EAF into the Management of the Line and Shrimp Fisheries in Mozambique
- The 2009 SWIOFP/ASCLME Ecosystem Survey Underway