Transaction Costs
These refer to costs and expenses generated by all the processes and operations that make mutually advantageous exchanges between two or more individuals possible; in the case of the user-institution relationship, these exchanges originate in the very nature of the institution as a service provider. They include the costs of negotiations between parties.
Territorial Planning
Territorial planning is defined as a State policy and planning tool which allows appropriate political and administrative organization and spatial projection of the social, economic, environmental and cultural policies of a society, thereby guaranteeing an appropriate standard of living for the population and environmental conservation.
Title Deed
The deed to a property comprises documents that prove ownership of land.3 As the parcel is transferred to other persons, the transfer document confers the title on the subsequent owner. In Latin America deeds are usually assigned by the State for social purposes, through mass processes or on request to regularize land ownership, or through recognition of ancestral rights of indigenous communities.
Territory Zoning
Zoning involves dividing a territory into zones intended for one or more purposes, for certain activities to be carried out, to ensure better living conditions for the inhabitants and for activities to be pursued as appropriate to achieve the proposed aim.