2nd meeting of the Technical Support Committee of the KnoWat project in Senegal
The 2nd meeting of the Technical Support Committee (TSC) of Senegal in the framework of the project "Knowing water better - towards fairer and more sustainable access to natural resources (KnoWat)", was held on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
This important project meeting was chaired by Mr. Younoussa Mballo, main Technical Adviser of the "Ministère de l’Agriculture et l’Equipe Rurale (MAER)" and was attended by about twenty participants, including representatives from the Government, civil society, research and private sector, all members of the TSC.
With the current context of Covid-19 pandemic, the KnoWat project team, under the guidance of the Chair of the TSC, organized this technical meeting virtually to assess the progress of the project in Senegal and to collect the recommendations of the committee for a more effective implementation.
The exchanges mainly focused on the overall progress of the project in the three project countries (Sri Lanka, Senegal and Rwanda), on the status of implementation of activities in Senegal and on the progress of the implementation of the Memoranda of Understanding signed between FAO and the partners, namely "Société nationale d'Aménagement et d'Exploitation des terres du Delta du fleuve Sénégal et des vallées du fleuve Sénégal et de la Falémé (SAED)", "Direction de la Gestion et de la Planification des Ressources en Eau (DGPRE)" and "Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux (CNCR)". At the end of these exchanges, participants made relevant recommendations to the project team.
This technical meeting was also an opportunity to introduce the new National Coordinator of the project in Senegal, Mr Lamine SAMAKE, to the members of the TSC. In addition, it also allowed to exchange on the capacity building needs of the actors at national level on the water resources governance and to collect proposals on the potential synergies between the KnoWat project and other projects and initiatives related to water resources in Senegal.