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CFS 51 Side event 31 | Global Dialogue on Water Tenure for water & food security, social inclusion and climate resilience (Friday, 27 October, 8.30 - 9.45 CET)

The responsible governance of water tenure is a pathway to ensure equitable access to water which is key to the realization of water and food security, social inclusion and climate resilience . In July 2022, the Committee on Agriculture mandated FAO, to organize a “Global Dialogue on Water Tenure” in close collaboration with relevant UN agencies. The dialogue was officially launched during the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York in March 2023. During the event, experts discussed perspectives on responsible governance of water tenure from around the world and explore linkages with the CFS agenda as well as the possibilities to engage in the Global Dialogue.

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FAO@ World Water Week 2021| Water tenure and governance: Keys to water and food security

Resilience will only materialize when water balances account for all actual uses. This can only be achieved through coordinated action by actors at different scales and sectors. Participants will engage to understand water tenure, including customary rights, as a key element of water governance, for equitable access to water.

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