KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Strengthening household resilience to socioeconomic and climate shocks in Rakhine State
Rakhine State in Myanmar has experienced armed conflict, localized violence, political instability and extremely high levels of forced displacement, together with heightened vulnerability to flooding. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the local population faced further and compounding disruptions [...]
Supporting incomes and livelihoods with cash assistance in Dong Nai province
In late April 2021, Viet Nam faced its fourth wave of COVID-19, with over 895 000 new cases reported. COVID-19 and related restrictions hindered livelihood options leaving vulnerable households facing financial stress to cover basic needs. Dong Nai is among the [...]
The demand for resilience evidence has grown exponentially as conflict, Covid-19, and the impacts of climate change have reversed development gains. Together with USAID, the Resilience Knowledge Coalition is gathering global voices across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors at the Resilience Evidence Forum.  Registration to attend virtually is still [...]
  This event is part of a webinar series on Anticipatory Action (AA). Slow-onset hazards progressively erode livelihoods, especially among the most vulnerable people, often leading to negative coping strategies, increasing vulnerability and hunger. With early warning systems and pre-agreed finance, it is possible to act [...]
The 2022 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture coincides with the launch of the Decade of Action to deliver the Global Goals, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the United Nations Decade [...]
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