Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)
The project supports the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) in the development of a regional policy and a joint action plan that will guide African countries members to adjust their current strategies seeking to enhance good governance and mainstreaming the right to food in their policies and programmes for food security and nutrition. The project has supported CPLP in the process of formulating a proposal for the Strategy of Food and Nutrition Security (ESAN-CPLP) through technical assistance.
In 2011, the CPLP set up an online consultation to gather views and inputs of all relevant stakeholders to propose actions and issues to be addressed in a new Strategy for Food and Nutrition Security. The online consultation and a strong collaboration between the Member States of the CPLP, FAO and civil society organizations lead to the development of a new CPLP Strategy for Food and Nutritional Security.
The project "Support to the strengthening of FAO cooperation with civil society" (GCP/GLO/294/SPA) financed the consultation of the strategy with the civil society.
The strategy was presented in October 2011 at the 37th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in Rome, Italy, and approved by the CPLP member countries.
The project made its final contribution to this process by supporting the formulation of the statutes for the Regional Council of Ministers on Food Security and Nutrition and the incorporation of the right to food in the guidelines and the business plan 2012 - 2014 to be developed by the Technical Secretariat of the CPLP. These were presented at the Council of Ministers and Heads of State Summit held between 18 and 25 July 2012 in Maputo, Mozambique.
Fórum sobre Agricultura Familiar e Segurança Alimentar na CPLP [PORTUGUESE]
Facilitated by the FSN Forum (16.10.2012 - 20.11.2012)