Peuples Autochtones


10 Aug 2020
Within the framework of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, today, FAO has launched a Policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples, which includes policy recommendations and actions that should be considered by governments and stakeholders to ensure the cultural and physical survival of indigenous peoples in face of this pandemic. Every 9th of August, the United Nations commemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. This year the main theme is “COVID-19 and indigenous peoples resilience”. Accounting for 476 million living in more than 90 countries, regardless of...
29 May 2020
FAO published the VGGTs in Karbi, an indigenous language, today. In the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit, the FAO Land and Tenure Unit and FAO India coordinated efforts with indigenous organizations to translate the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests into different indigenous languages. These Guidelines promote responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests, with respect to all forms of tenure: public, private, communal, indigenous, customary, and informal.  Section nine of the VGGT calls upon...