Peuples Autochtones


16 Jul 2019
L'équipe Peuples Autochtones de la FAO vous invite à participer à la consultation en ligne afin de finaliser les Directives volontaires sur les systèmes alimentaires et la nutrition. Ces directives volontaires sont élaborées par le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale (CSA), la principale plate-forme internationale et intergouvernementale inclusive visant à garantir la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition pour tous. Plus d'informations (ici). Le...
15 Jul 2019
Indigenous youth from Indonesia, India and Mexico visited FAO headquarters to present the outcomes of the hard work they are doing at local level to revitalize their communities’ indigenous food systems. As part of The Indigenous Partnership Fellowship Program 2019, Chenxiang Marak from the Garo matriarchal community of North East India; Nofri Yani from Maningkabau matriarchal community of West Sumatra, Indonesia; Merrysha Nongrum from the Khasi matriarchal community of the North East India, and Edgar Monte Borges, from...
05 Apr 2019
During the Islamic Development Banks 44th Annual meeting took place on the 3rd to 6th April 2019 in Marrakesh, Morocco, FAO co-hosted a side event titled “How Indigenous Youth Integrate Traditional Knowledge, Innovation and Technology”    “Without indigenous peoples, we will not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly, the Zero Hunger Goal. Indigenous food systems and indigenous traditional knowledge have survived hundreds and sometimes thousands of years, therefore they may have today some of the answers of tomorrow” emphasizes Yon Fernandez de Larrinoa, Leader of the FAO Indigenous peoples team during the event. Indigenous Peoples Traditional knowledge is disappearing at an alarming rate...