الروابط القائمة بين مصايد الأسماك الداخلية وإدارة المياه

Year: 2020
Ce document technique contribuera à une meilleure connaissance de l’utilisation des passes à poissons dans la gestion des pêches continentales et la protection de la biodiversité, se situant ainsi dans le cadre des efforts soutenus de la FAO pour l’amélioration [...]
Year: 2018
This document has been developed in recognition of the increasingly diverse demands for water from irrigation systems and the need to introduce more holistic land uses into conventional irrigation management. Despite historical precedents the potential for the integration of fish [...]
Year: 2017
A compilation of water-related indicators in selected African and Asian countries
This document contains supplementary material to the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper titled “Assessing water availability and related economic social and nutritional contributions provided by inland capture fishery and [...]
Year: 2016
This study provides an indicator-based framework for understanding the economic, social and nutritional contributions of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture and their links to available inland water resources. The framework proposes fourteen initial indicators to represent environmental, economic, social and [...]
Year: 2012
Transboundary approaches to river basin management – the Okavango case study
Opportunities for expanding the benefits from cooperative transboundary water governance in the Nile Basin: benefits beyond physical water quantities
Integrated water resources management for sustainable use: the case of the Volta [...]
Year: 2011
These Proceedings include (1) the report of and (2) the background paper prepared for the Workshop on climate change implications for fishing communities in the Lake Chad Basin: What have we learned and what can we do better? The Workshop [...]

Central and western Asia
Year: 2003
This Fisheries Technical Paper is a companion to the Report of the FAO Expert Consultation on the Use of Irrigation Systems for Sustainable Fish Production in Arid Countries of Asia (FAO Fisheries Report No. 679). The consultation was held at [...]
Year: 2002
Many fish species undertake more or less extended migrations as part of their basic behaviour. Amongst the best known examples in Europe are salmon (Salmo salar) and sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), which often swim several thousands of kilometres when returning from the sea [...]
Year: 1998
The Symposium on Water for Sustainable Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture was held in Praia do Carvoeiro, Portugal, from 23-26 June 1998. The Symposium concluded that those in charge of fisheries and aquaculture development should seek collaboration with other agencies and [...]
Central and western Asia
Year: 1995
This publication contains four papers on general and specific aspects of inland fisheries in the arid region of Central Asia. It discusses the management approaches to maintain fish yields in an aquatic environment highly modified by engineering measures required for [...]