سبل العيش والعمل اللائق والقدرة على الصمود

Year: 2020
This manual provides guidance to field personnel and fisheries officers on methods and tools in charting out the assessments that need to be taken into consideration when making decisions related to procurement and delivery of fishing gears and equipment in [...]
Year: 2018
An FAO infographic summarizing some gender dimensions of inland fisheries
Year: 2017
The inland fisheries sector in Sudan represents an important source of livelihoods and well-being for individuals and communities, as well as a potential means to enhance food security in the country. Despite this, the populations that depend on the sector [...]
Year: 2010
The symposium on Interactions between Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives of Inland Commercial and Recreational Fisheries and Aquaculture, was organized in conjunction with the Twenty-Fifth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) in Antalya, Turkey, from 21 to [...]
Central and western Asia
Year: 2009
This technical paper presents the findings of a study on inland fisheries livelihoods in Central Asia. It discusses current policies and potential livelihood-enhancing policy interventions. The study was conducted in 2008 under a partnership between Portsmouth University, the United Kingdom [...]

Year: 2009
This technical paper presents the findings of a study on inland fisheries livelihoods in Central Asia. It discusses current policies and potential livelihood-enhancing policy interventions. The study was conducted in 2008 under a partnership between Portsmouth University, the United Kingdom [...]
Year: 2008
The symposium objectives were:1) To review the wide range of socio-economic and ecological interactions between fisheries and aquaculture and the roles of various stakeholders with respect to these interactions.2) To identify where future research should focus and propose measures to [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2007
Recognition of the importance of microfinance as a crucial development tool for poverty reduction has increased during the last two decades. The United Nations, in its General Assembly Resolution 52/194, passed on 18 December 1997, noted that in many countries, [...]
Year: 2005
Dryland areas cover more than half of sub-Saharan Africa and are home to nearly 50 percent of its populations, who depend on agriculture (including livestock, crops and fisheries) as their main livelihood strategy. Sporadic and irregular rainfall patterns are the [...]
Year: 2005
The ornamental fish sector is a small but vital part of international fish trade. It contributes positively to rural development in many developing producing countries, and in the major markets for ornamental fish, the retail value is many times that [...]