The governments and people of Jamaica, the Bahamas and Belize have enjoyed a meaningful partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and have collaborated on several interventions in line with FAO’s strategic objectives. Such programmes and projects are largely guided by the respective Country Programming Framework (CPF), an agreement on priority areas signed between the government of each country and FAO.
Jamaica’s CPF sets out three government priority areas to guide FAO partnership and support with the Government of Jamaica. The priorities are: Value Chain Development for strengthening food systems, Food and Nutrition Security and Building Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods. In the Bahamas, the CPF priority areas are: Food and Nutrition Security and Safety, Climate Change and Sustainable Resource Management and Poverty Elimination. For Belize, the CPF priority areas are: Enhancing trade in agricultural and fisheries products, Food and nutrition security, Promoting sustainable and resilient food system, and Food safety and quality.
Through a mix of projects, FAO supports the governments and people of the countries.
Notable projects in Jamaica include:
- Improving Phytosanitary, Food Safety and Market Access Opportunities Along the Hot Pepper Value Chain in Jamaica.
- Improving Rural Livelihoods and Resilient Agri-food Systems.
- FAO-China SSC Program - Response and Recovery to the impact of COVID-19 in CELAC countries.
- Piloting a National Fisheries and Aquaculture Extension Strategy of Jamaica [N-FAS)
- Assessment of locally produced livestock feed ingredients to strengthen the sector’s sustainability.
- Scaling the Implementation of the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Initiative.
In the Bahamas notable projects include:
- Technical Assistance to support the development of an Action Plan for the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy of The Bahamas
- Assessment of the National School Feeding Programme in The Bahamas
- Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution
- Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs, Promotion of Alternatives and Strengthening Pesticides Management in the Caribbean (FSP)
Notable projects in Belize include:
- Developing and enhancing small scale agri-processing capacity in Belize
Current projects for the countries of the representation are reflected under Project List