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4th SIDS Solutions Dialogue: A joint initiative of the FAO Liaison Offices in Geneva, Brussels and New York and the FAO Office of SIDS, LDCs and LLDCs
Hybrid Event, 18/04/2023
FAO reaffirms its commitment to climate action on agriculture and food security, with a focus on the transformation of agrifood systems.
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FAO at the 2023 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum
Hybrid Event, 17/04/2023 - 20/04/2023
The global economic outlook remains fragile amid a highly challenging environment. Countries are facing difficult economic policy trade-offs and recent shocks are threatening to further reverse progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both immediate and longer-term measures are urgently needed to effectively finance responses to multiple overlapping crises while scaling up es...
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FAO at the 22nd Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
17/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high- level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council. The Forum was established on 28 July 2000 by resolution 2000/22, with the mandate to deal...
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FAO Chief Economist press briefing | Launch of FAO Report on The Status of Women in Agrifood Systems
Virtual Event, 13/04/2023
The new FAO report provides a comprehensive picture of the status of women not only in agriculture, but across agrifood systems.
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FAO at the UN 2023 Water Conference
New York (United States), Hybrid Event, 22/03/2023 - 24/03/2023
From 22 to 24 March 2023 the world will come together in New York during the UN 2023 Water Conference. The Conference is convened by the UN General Assembly and co-hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan.
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FAO at the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)
New York (United States), Hybrid Event, 06/03/2023 - 17/03/2023
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. CSW...
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FAO Chief Economist briefing from New York – FAO Food Price Index for February 2023
Virtual Event, 03/03/2023
3 March 2023 @ 12 PM (EST) | Tune in to the briefing to journalists by the FAO Chief Economist, Máximo Torero, on the latest FAO Food Price Index update for the month of February 2023.
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FAO Chief Economist briefing from New York – FAO Food Price Index for February 2023
Virtual Event, 03/03/2023
Friday, 3 March @ 12 PM (EST) | Tune in to the UN press briefing to journalists by the FAO Chief Economist, Máximo Torero, on the latest FAO Food Price Index update for the month of February 2023.
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World Soil Day 2022
New York (United States), Hybrid Event, 15/12/2022
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FAO Senior Economist, Mr Upali Galketi Aratchilage, briefing from New York – FAO Food Price Index for October 2022
Virtual Event, 04/11/2022
The war in Ukraine is not only affecting food security in the country, but also forcing massive displacement, with likely serious impacts to food production and agriculture-based livelihoods, a key source of income in rural areas of Ukraine.
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Press briefing from New York on the food insecurity situation in Somalia – FAO Representative in Somalia, Etienne Peterschmitt, to brief reporters
Virtual Event, 14/10/2022
Unprecedented levels of drought in Somalia, alongside skyrocketing food prices, conflict, and COVID-19 have forced over a million people – predominantly women and girls – from their homes, their lands, their entire way of being and into camps.
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FAO Chief Economist briefing from New York – FAO Food Price Index for September 2022
Virtual Event, 07/10/2022
The war in Ukraine is not only affecting food security in the country, but also forcing massive displacement, with likely serious impacts to food production and agriculture-based livelihoods, a key source of income in rural areas of Ukraine.
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Press briefing from New York: FAO Chief Economist to brief on the FAO Food Price Index for July 2022
Hybrid Event, 05/08/2022
Friday, 5 August | 12:00 PM (EST) Tune in live here The war in Ukraine is not only affecting food security in the country, but also forcing massive displacement, with likely serious impacts to food production and agriculture-based livelihoods, a key sou
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Launch of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022
New York (United States), Hybrid Event, 06/07/2022
The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report will, as usual, present the latest updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including updated estimates on the cost and affordability of healthy diets.
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FAO Chief Economist briefing: Launch of the 2022 edition of 'The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World'
Hybrid Event, 06/07/2022
Wednesday, 6 July12:00 PM (EDT)Watch the recording The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report will, as usual, present the latest updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including update
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FAO at HLPF 2022
New York (United States), Hybrid Event, 05/07/2022 - 15/12/2022
The 2022 session of the HLPF, under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), will take place from 5 to 18 July, in New York, and will include a High-level Segment.&nb...
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FAO at the 2022 ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS)
Hybrid Event, 20/06/2022 - 23/06/2022
The ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (ECOSOC HAS) has been an essential platform for discussing the activities and issues related to strengthening the coordination and effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations. It provides an o
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Press briefing from New York: FAO Chief Economist to brief on the FAO Food Price Index for May 2022
Hybrid Event, 03/06/2022
Friday, 3 June | 12:00 PM (EST) Watch the recording | Read the related web story The war in Ukraine is not only affecting food security in the country, but also forcing massive displacement, with likely serious impacts to food production and agricult
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Second Global SIDS Solutions Dialogue: "Building agricultural resilience in SIDS
Hybrid Event, 31/05/2022
Tuesday, 31 May | 8:00 - 9:30 AM (EST) Register here Globally, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) represent over 66 percent of countries with the highest relative annual losses due to disasters. Due to their small economies and particular geography,
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FAO at the Informal Consultations of State Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)
Hybrid Event, 17/05/2022 - 19/05/2022
The UN will hold the Fifteenth round of Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement, focusing on "Implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management", from 17 to 19 May. Vera Agostini, Deputy Director of FAO's Fi