FAO in Pakistan

Our Team

The FAO team in Pakistan consists of local and international specialists with extensive experience in areas such as crops, water management, forestry, livestock and poultry management, agri marketing and enterprise development, veterinary sciences, fisheries, plant protection and other related disciplines. Many of these specialists have worked in a variety of ecological zones of Pakistan, both with the private and public sector organizations, and have in-depth knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of the agriculture sector.

In addition to its staff, FAO maintains a roster of experts in a variety of agricultural disciplines. These specialists can be brought in at a short notice to mobilize resources both for development and emergency assistance.

To build further response capacities, FAO Pakistan maintains strategic partnerships with agriculture-focused NGOs, research institutions and academia, community based organizations, donor and humanitarian community and public and private sector organizations. Such partnerships enable FAO to respond rapidly to emergencies by delivering quality humanitarian supplies– even under arduous and potentially insecure conditions.

As co-chair and hosting agency for the Food Security Cluster, FAO supports the coordination of food security related interventions across Pakistan and provides technical assistance to cluster members and relevant stakeholders identifying most appropriate responses to crises. FAO also co-chairs the Donor Group on Water for Agriculture and Energy (which coordinates and guides the donor support in Pakistan’s water sector) and the United Nation’s One UN Programme in Balochistan Province.

Finally, FAO maintains sound quality control procedures and further control is ensured through global partnerships with credible independent inspections companies – ensuring the delivery of quality inputs as per the recommended specifications and quality standards of FAO.

The main FAO office is located in the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad, while field offices operate in Quetta (Balochistan), Multan (Punjab), Tandojam (Sindh) and Peshawar (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa).

Florence Rolle
FAO Representative in Pakistan

Dr. Aamer Irshad
Assistant FAO Representative (Programme)

Maria Usman
Assistant FAO Representative (Administration)

Waleed K. Al-Ghorairy (Mahdi)
Senior Project Officer (Balochistan)

Farrukh Toirov
Senior Programme Officer (Kyhber Pakhtunkhawa)

Emelda Berejena
Senior Technical Advisor (Punjab)

James Okath
Senior Programme Officer (Sindh)