Movilización de recursos


23 Jun 2021
España, principalmente a través de la Agencia Española de cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) y el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, ha sido un firme aliado en todos los aspectos del trabajo de la FAO. El último Informe FAO + España resalta la cooperación entre la FAO y España en los últimos diez años, principalmente en el sector de la pesca y en la promoción de políticas que garantizan el derecho a la alimentación, la protección de los recursos fitogenéticos y la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria. El compromiso de España queda reflejado en
17 Jun 2021
On Tuesday, 8 June 2021, the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism held its first Resource Partners Consultation of the year. Resource Partners represented at the meeting included: Belgium, Flanders, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. The Consultation began with opening remarks from Mr Alexander Jones
16 Jun 2021
FAO had a strong presence at the 2021 European Development Days (EDD21), the European Commission-led annual forum dedicated to the most pressing challenges in international development. The forum brings together the development community to share ideas and inspire solutions to achieve a sustainable future. As a strategic partner of the EU, FAO gathered leaders and experts to support the challenges of tackling biodiversity loss, climate change and environmental degradation.
16 Jun 2021
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) acoge con agrado una contribución de 22,4 millones de CAD (17,7 millones de USD) del Canadá para impulsar la seguridad alimentaria y los medios de vida de las comunidades vulnerables -en especial de las mujeres, los jóvenes y los pueblos indígenas- resentidas por los efectos de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID‑19) en nueve países de África y América Latina.
19 May 2021
On Tuesday, 18 May 2021, the fourth of five webinars in the “Community Engagement Days” series was held via zoom. Organized by the Dimitra Clubs Team of FAO with the support of Resource Partners for the
14 May 2021
On 30 April 2021, New Zealand, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), officially signed an agreement to contribute funds to the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM).
13 May 2021
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, has welcomed an €8 million contribution from the European Union (EU) that will enable countries in the Horn of Africa to maintain a state of readiness in the face of a possible resurgence of Desert Locusts.
06 May 2021
Ever since the European Union joined FAO as a Member Organization in 1991, the EU-FAO partnership has been driven by a shared vision of a better future for all in a world free from hunger and poverty. Today, the partnership covers nearly all areas of FAO’s mandate. The EU-FAO partnership is embedded in the Strategic Dialogue, a periodic and forward-looking exercise that aims to readjust EU-FAO joint priorities for the short and medium-term.  The last Strategic Dialogue was organized in 2017 and a new edition is taking place in 2021. Last February, five technical webinars took place touching upon topics of common interest...
06 May 2021
The European Union–FAO partnership is strong and growing, as evidenced by the upward trend of the European Union’s voluntary contributions in recent years. This has enabled FAO to work extensively across the globe and in those regions where assistance is most needed.