Pesticide Registration Toolkit

Data requirements and testing guidelines *


The data requirements tool provides the registrar with guidance on the data that may be required to evaluate whether a specific type of pesticide is appropriate for a specific use situation. It further provides advice on widely accepted testing guidelines which can be used to generate these data.

A registrar may use this tool to check whether all necessary data have been obtained from the applicant, or if well known testing methods have been used. The tool can also be used to help define national data requirements for registration of pesticides, if these do not exist or need to be updated.

Data requirements are not the same for every type of pesticide, but will depend on the pesticide group (e.g. a chemical or microbial product), the pesticide type (e.g. an insecticide, herbicide or rodenticide), the intended use (e.g. on field crops intended for human consumption, for public health, or in forestry), and the type of registration (e.g. a new product with a new active ingredient for the country, or an extension of an existing registration).

Use Make a Selection in the left-hand menu to find recommended data requirements for specific aspects of the pesticide registration dossier.



Data requirements may not be not the same for every type of microbial pesticide, but will depend on the microbial type and the production method (e.g. liquid or solid-state fermentation), among others. This will be indicated in each of the data requirement data sheets.

Some common microbial species have been used for many years for plant protection or in public health without unacceptable adverse effects, and no such effects are expected, given their nature. Therefore, for certain microbial pest control agents, national evaluators can accept a reduced set of data requirements and take a simplified approach.


Source documents

The data requirements listed in this tool are based on the FAO/WHO Guidelines on data requirements for the registration of pesticides (2013) and the FAO/WHO Guidelines for the registration of microbial, botanical and semiochemical pest control agents for plant protection and public health uses (2017)


To select data requirements for the specific pesticide and use situation that you are reviewing,
click on Make a Selection in the Toolkit menu