International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Africa Region Training Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA and Farmers’ Rights

29/07/2019 to 01/08/2019

Senegal (Dakar)

Thanks to the generous funding by the Government of Italy, representatives from 30 African countries and 17 non-governmental organizations gathered in Dakar for the largest regional training workshop ever held in Africa on the conservation and sustainable use of crop germplasm and Farmers' Rights. The Secretariat of the Plant Treaty facilitated event, as part of an effort to promote capacity development for implementing the Plant Treaty.

Link to the news

Working Documents


Information Documents

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Other Documents

Opening Remarks
Overview of the ITPGRFA and Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA
Overview of the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights
Synthesis and stocktaking of experiences, best practices and lessons learned on the implementation of Farmers’ Rights


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Invitation and Notifications

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