International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The International Treaty Supports Guatemalan Farmers’ Good Seed Practices

The project "Establishment of a preliminary network of community seed banks in vulnerable regions of Guatemala to provide seed in the event of a natural disaster", supported with funds from Benefit-sharing Fund of the International Treaty and implemented by the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, focused on the documentation and conservation of genetic diversity of maize and beans and provided training, capacity building and networking capacity. This project contributed to the elaboration of the Strategic action plan to strengthen conservation and use of the Mesoamerican PGRFA, also funded by the International Treaty.

Subject area(s)
Policy development, Strengthening seed systems
Subject category(ies)
Community seed banks, Financial and incentive mechanisms, Strategies and action plans
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Publication date
Resource link
Resource type
Article or presentation
Resource format
Primary geographic focus
Latin America and the Caribbean
Open access

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