Women Seed Saving Kenya
This video, produced by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty (AFSA), shows the important role of women in saving seeds. As governments across Africa develop laws to deny farmers’ rights to exchange and sell local seeds, women are leading the fight to protect Africa’s sacred biodiversity. The Seed Savers Network Kenya educates, encourages and supports women on how to save their own seed, especially local seeds adapted to the climate. According to Peris Kamau, a member of the mentioned network, 90% of the people who are saving seed are women, the ones who take care of their homes and family and therefore the ones who know what to eat.
Subject area(s)
Promoting local crop diversity
Subject category(ies)
Gender related content, Raising awareness of local crop diversity value
Alliance for Food Sovereignty (AFSA)
Publication date
Resource link
Resource type
Case study, Multimedia
Resource format
Primary geographic focus
Open access