International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Recovering the cycle of wisdom: beacons of light toward the right to seeds – Guide for the Implementation of Farmers’ Rights

This guide aims to provide practical guidance for food producers’ organizations, civil society organizations as well as governments and public institutions about how to implement peasants’ and Indigenous Peoples’ rights to seeds in national and regional policy frameworks. Its objective is to provide a useful tool for actors who engage in seed-related policy processes (revision of laws, drafting of new laws etc.) at national and/or regional level and who are eager to ensure that these respect, protect and promote peasants’ and Indigenous Peoples’ rights and autonomy over seeds. 

Subject area(s)
Policy development
Subject category(ies)
Farmers' Rights, Strategies and action plans, Seed policy, Seed quality assurance
Working Group on Agricultural Biodiversity of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC), FIAN International and Centro Internazionale Crocevia
Publication date
Resource link
Resource type
Learning material, Publication or report
Resource format
Primary geographic focus
Open access

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