International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Case Study 03 - Teff and Ancient Grains in Ethiopia

How one of the world’s richest centers of biodiversity responds to the climate crisis. Seeds for Needs, an ambitious project created with joint support from Ethiopian farmers and researchers at Bioversity International, Mekelle University, and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, began looking into Ethiopia’s past to rediscover ancient grains that might provide solutions to the country’s extreme vulnerability to drought, and to fight climate change by using seeds to increase the resilience of rural communities.

Subject area(s)
Promoting local crop diversity, Strengthening seed systems
Subject category(ies)
Developing the value chain, Improving the knowledge base for local crop diversity, Raising awareness of local crop diversity value, Smallholder seed enterprises, The role of gene banks
Publication date
Resource link
Resource type
Article or presentation, Case study
Resource format
Primary geographic focus
Open access

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