Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 2021 - Kenya webinar

Hybrid Event, 29/09/2021

To mark this important day Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET) in partnership with, Society of Crop Agribusiness Advisors of Kenya (SOCAA); University of Nairobi; Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries, Kenya and other partners are organizing a webinar and various social media activities to engage stakeholders and create awareness on Food Loss and Waste.


1. Create awareness about the state of food loss and waste - the extent, the causes and the impact as well sustainable solutions to address the problem

2. Discuss the gaps in policy and implementation that are hindering progress towards realization of the set targets (national, continental and global)

3. Highlight ongoing food loss and waste reduction initiatives that are contributing to realization of set targets

4. Rally support and involvement of all stakeholders in food loss/waste reduction initiatives


stakeholders from the Food Sector and related sectors - Producers/farmers - Farmer organizations - National Government officials - County Government officials - Development partners - Private sector representatives - Industry representatives - Researchers and academia - Non-state actors including civil society, NGOs, CBOs

The event recieved a good representation from various sectors and very fruitful discussions. Some of the private sector actors committed to rally their members to connect data on food loss and waste. The University of Nairobi will follow up on these commitments to partner on data collection. 

Link to the event