Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste


Women shopping fruits
On behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, Antonio Tajani, announced today the UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment, will take place in Rome, Italy from 24 – 26 July 2023, at the premises of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Efforts and ideas in planning and implementing their national pathways for agrifood systems transformation to reduce hunger, poverty, and food loss and waste, protect biodiversity and tackle climate change were discussed.

2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

September 17th – 20th, 2019 at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Postharvest Loss Reduction and Agro-processing: Drivers of Agricultural Transformation in Africa

Acknowledging the urgent need to address this global challenge, the University of Nairobi and a co...

Development of Voluntary Codes of Conduct on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Global Advisory Panel for Development of Voluntary Codes of Conduct on Food Loss and Waste Reduction - Call for nominations
African Union (AU) Malabo Declaration on Agriculture and Postharvest Losses

The AU launched  2014 the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security” marking the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) on January 30, 2014 during its 22nd Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...