Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste


Reducing food loss and waste represents a triple win opportunity ...
FAO online webinar to promote awareness of the various tools and methodologies.
Driving food loss and waste reduction through innovation
A side event focused on Driving Food Loss and Waste through Innovation was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the One Planet Sustainable Food System Programme, on the margins of the 47th Session of the Committee on Food Security (CFS).
2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

September 17th – 20th, 2019 at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Postharvest Loss Reduction and Agro-processing: Drivers of Agricultural Transformation in Africa

Acknowledging the urgent need to address this global challenge, the University of Nairobi and a co...

SFS WEBINAR: Promoting partnerships and synergies for food loss and waste reduction

The 10YFP is a global commitment that was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012, in response to the need to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries. The One Planet networ...

Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste a parallel session at ICAS VII
A set of parallel sessions on "Sustainable Agricultural Production and Consumption" is organized. In this framework FAO is coordinating a dedicated one on "Measuring Food Losses and Food Waste". 

In the framework of the Food Processing and Packaging Exposyum (FPPE) 2014 on 19 November (9:00-17:00 hrs / Nairobi, Kenya) FAO held a one-day event on Food Loss Reduction - Partnership and Capacity Building

African Union (AU) Malabo Declaration on Agriculture and Postharvest Losses

The AU launched  2014 the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security” marking the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) on January 30, 2014 during its 22nd Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...