SAWBO Post-Harvest Loss (PHL) reduction animations
This list is providing links to all PHL reduction animations produced by SAWBO™ Scientific Animations Without Borders and available in several languages for your consultation and use (Last updated: March 2024).

NEW! Storing Fruits and Vegetables Using a Clay Potcooler to Reduce Spoilage and Prevent Post-Harvest Loss
The animation describes how to build a clay pot cooler using three different methods depending on the materials available. All methods require just two pots, sand, water, and a piece of cloth. By placing one pot inside another and filling the space between the two with sand, keeping the sand moist and covering with cloth certain fruits and vegetables can be kept fresh longer with less spoilage.
English (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Prevention: Dry, Inspect, Clean and Examine - DICE
English (YouTube and Video Library)
Spanish - Dominican Republic (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Moisture Meter
English (YouTube and Video Library)
Nepali (YouTube and Video Library)
Punjabi - Pakistan (YouTube and Video Library)
Spanish - Dominican Republic (YouTube and Video Library)
Urdu (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 2D
English (YouTube and Video Library)
Bengali - India (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Salt Testing for Grain Moisture Levels 3D
English (YouTube and Video Library)
Lomwe - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Storage
Amharic - Ethiopia (YouTube and Video Library)
Bengali - India (YouTube and Video Library)
English (YouTube and Video Library)
French - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lingala - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Brazil (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Jerrycan Bean Storage
English - Ghana (YouTube and Video Library)
Fante - Ghana (YouTube and Video Library)
English - Nigeria (You Tube and Video Library)
Lomwe - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Paddy Drying Using a BAU-STR Dryer
English (YouTube and Video Library)
Bengali - Bangladesh (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL How to Build a Solar Grain Dryer
English (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL How to Use a Solar Grain Dryer
English (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Hermetic Sealing with Locally Available Containers
English - Ghana (YouTube and Video Library)
Fante - Ghana (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Bengali - India (YouTube and Video Library)
English (YouTube and Video Library)
French - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lingala - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lomwe - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Yoruba - Nigeria (YouTube and Video Library)
Bahasa - Indonesia (YouTube and Video Library)
Bengali - India (YouTube and Video Library)
Chinese - China (YouTube and Video Library)
English (YouTube and Video Library)
French - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lingala - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lomwe - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Brazil (YouTube and Video Library)
Urdu - Pakistan (YouTube and Video Library)
Chinese - China (YouTube and Video Library)
French - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lingala - DR Congo (YouTube and Video Library)
Lomwe - Mozambique (YouTube and Video Library)
Portuguese - Brazil (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Agricultural Value Chain
English (YouTube and Video Library)
PHL Agricultural Supply and Demand
English (YouTube and Video Library)