Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture


The Forum of Discussions of the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture is an open, neutral platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue facilitated by FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia.

It engages a wide range of individuals and institutions, fostering awareness, knowledge sharing, debate and mutual learning on a wide range of issues that affect Green Agriculture and its main thematic areas.

The Forum facilitates open dialogue, promoting inclusive policy processes and strengthening decision-making at global, regional and national levels.

Seeds system management in South European and Central Asia countries

Thread title Author CreationDate Replies LastPost
What are the challenges and opportunities in seeds management in your country? Zsuzsanna Keresztes 10/03/2023 2 Valentina Gasbarri_2
13/03/2023, 10:13:16
Based on your experience, due to the recent threats is there a need to change the work on seeds management? Zsuzsanna Keresztes 10/03/2023 1 Zsuzsanna Keresztes
10/03/2023, 09:34:55
In which areas of the seeds system would your country need further support? Zsuzsanna Keresztes 10/03/2023 1 Zsuzsanna Keresztes
10/03/2023, 09:31:35