Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

Global Experts Convene to Tackle Green Agriculture Challenges

Armenia, 2019. The greenhouse of the FAO beneficiary school



In a groundbreaking move towards transforming agrifood systems, the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) has brought together a diverse group of 19 experts from around the world for the inaugural meeting of the Experts Working Group on Green Agriculture. The virtual gathering witnessed a dynamic exchange of ideas and strategies to confront the pressing challenges hindering the progress of Green Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia and beyond. 


Out of a staggering 250 applicants, 19 experts emerged as the chosen architects of change, spanning a spectrum of expertise to navigate the intricate landscape of green agricultural practices. 


"Tackling the challenges of Green Agriculture demands a collective effort and a multitude of perspectives. Our experts, carefully chosen from a global pool, are poised to redefine the narrative of green agrifood systems," declares Tania Santivanez, Agricultural Officer, FAO REU leading the charge in this initiative. 


By forming a experts’ working group, the FAO acknowledges the transformative potential of Green Agriculture, not just as a response to crises but as an opportunity to reshape global food systems for long-term sustainability. 


The future of Green Agriculture is collaborative 


From identifying good practices from all over the world on green agriculture, drafting a Theory of Change to advocating for in-person meetings, and establishing multi-stakeholder partnerships, the experts will chart a roadmap for transformative change.  


The FAO Experts' Working Group is positioned to make significant contributions to the FAO Regional Office's endeavors for Green Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia.  


The group's objectives span a comprehensive spectrum, from addressing challenges in the agrifood system to validating strategic directions and serving as a technical peer review group for knowledge products. In recognizing the interconnectedness of global agriculture, the working group signifies a paradigm shift towards collaborative, green and future-oriented agricultural practices. 


As the FAO Experts' Working Group embarks on a two-year journey, from January 2024 to January 2026, this working group sets a precedent for collaborative efforts in addressing complex global challenges and underscores the significance of shared knowledge and expertise in shaping a sustainable future.