inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment to Eliminate Hunger and Rural Poverty

Meeting our goals: FAO’s programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development

Meeting our goals: FAO’s programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development



FAO recognizes the potential of rural women and men in achieving food and water security and nutrition and is committed to overcoming gender inequality, in line with the pledge to “Leave No One Behind”, which is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.

Increased access to irrigation by women can bring increased productivity and important nutritional improvements through enhanced food availability and dietary diversification. Unfortunately, still, policies, programmes and projects on agricultural water management often tend to consider women as primarily housewives and caregivers instead of farmers and irrigators, which challenges the participation of women in training programmes as well as in policy- and decision-making processes.

The publication illustrates the consistent and sustained work of FAO towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, which are at the core of the Organization’s work to eliminate hunger and rural poverty. Each chapter highlights the relevance of gender work to achieving the FAO Strategic Objectives, and describes main results achieved, showcasing activities implemented at country and international levels. Stories from the field demonstrate the impact of FAO’s work for beneficiaries, highlighting successes and significant insights gained.

For more information press here