inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

💧FAO Land and Water Director Emphasizes the Role of Water in Fostering Peace on World Water Day 2024!

Li underscored the interconnectedness between water, peace, and sustainable development.

Lifeng Li, Director of the FAO Land and Water Division



In commemoration of World Water Day 2024, Lifeng Li, Director of the FAO Land and Water Division, highlighted the critical importance of water in promoting peace and stability worldwide.

"Water scarcity and competition over water resources can exacerbate tensions and conflicts," Li stated. "However, by managing water resources wisely and promoting cooperation among nations, we can transform water into a source of cooperation and peace."

Li highlighted the FAO's ongoing efforts to support countries in managing their water resources sustainably, enhancing agricultural productivity, and building resilience to climate change impacts. He stressed the importance of integrated water resource management approaches that take into account the needs of all stakeholders, including marginalized and vulnerable communities.

"Responsible governance of water tenure is also essential to ensure equitable access to water for all, leaving no one behind. It helps to mitigate conflicts and promote community cohesion. Recognizing informal and customary rights to water use is key in this endeavor, as it promotes fairness and helps mitigate tensions between sectors or communities.," Li remarked.

He concluded with a call to working together to balance everyone’s needs, to ensure that no one is left behind, and to make water a catalyst for a more peaceful and prosperous world for all.

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