inter-Regional Technical Platform on Water Scarcity (iRTP-WS)

Improving Water Allocation for Agriculture in the Arab Region


The FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa – FAORNE, in collaboration with the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Joint Water-Agriculture Arab Ministerial Council and ESCWA, organized a physical workshop (26-27 September 2022) at the League of Arab States premises in Cairo to initiate the piloting of the “Guidelines on Improved Water Allocation for Agriculture” in four countries (Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Tunisia), and a virtual meeting (3-4 October 2022) to promote the guidelines and raise the awareness of stakeholders on approaches and tools to improve water allocation in support of food security in the Arab region. The guidelines, which were developed with the support of FAO and ESCWA, were endorsed during the second meeting of the Joint Water-Agriculture Ministerial Council held on 27 January 2022. The “Guidelines on improved water allocation for agriculture” are available online in Arabic and English.