Issue paper
Nouveau modèle de développement pour les zones désertiques et oasiennes - Tunisie
Ce rapport s'inscrit dans le cadre du soutien de la FAO aux cinq pays du Maghreb, dont la Tunisie, pour la mise en œuvre d'un dialogue politique sur les situations de développement socio-économique dans les régions saharienne et oasienne. La FAO soutient le Gouvernement tunisien dans plusieurs initiatives de développement agricole et rural en s'efforçant de rendre l'agriculture, la pêche et la sylviculture plus durables et productives en adoptant des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires inclusifs et efficaces et en augmentant la résilience des moyens de subsistance face aux menaces et aux crises climatiques.Le contenu de ce rapport est une synthèse [...]
International Year of Plant Health – Final report
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) to raise global awareness on how protecting plants from pests and diseases can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development. The IYPH final report presents the key outcomes and achievements of the Year, and highlights its main legacies.
Issue paper
Ecosystem restoration for people, nature and climate. Becoming #GenerationRestoration
The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration provides a unique opportunity to transform food, fibre and feed production systems to the needs of the 21st century, and to eradicate poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
This report presents the case for why we all must throw our weight behind a global restoration effort. Drawing on the latest scientific evidence, it explains the crucial role played by ecosystems from forests and farmland to rivers and oceans, and charts the losses that result from our poor stewardship of the planet. The UN Decade runs from 2021 through 2030 and is led by the United Nations Environment [...]
Green and climate resilient agriculture
This paper describes FAO’s vision and gives guidance on the implementation of green and climate-resilient agriculture. It looks at how FAO is applying and scaling it up in an integrated way through country support and global advocacy. It is complemented by a webpage showcasing relevant FAO practices, success stories as well as related articles, publications and videos.
Case study
Principles for ecosystem restoration to guide the United Nations Decade 2021–2030
To support the implementation of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and help achieve its goals, there is a need for a shared vision of ecosystem restoration. A key step in creating a shared vision of ecosystem restoration is to adopt principles that underpin the full set of ecosystem restoration activities. To this end, this brochure presents ten principles for ecosystem restoration including a first principle that orients restoration in the context of the UN Decade, followed by nine best-practice principles. These best-practice principles detail the essential tenets of ecosystem restoration that should be followed to maximize net gain for [...]
Review of forest and landscape restoration in Africa 2021
The purpose of this report is to assess the current implementation of forest and landscape restoration (FLR) in Africa. It presents the context for FLR on the African continent, highlights major FLR initiatives, and provides an overview of FLR in Africa at the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030). It identifies key challenges, opportunities, actors and processes, illustrated with some case studies. Data collection was both primary (interviews) and secondary (extensive desk research).The report contributes to tracking progress on the implementation of AFR100 and other FLR initiatives in Africa on the ground. It provides a baseline for [...]
Making extension and advisory services nutrition-sensitive. The link between agriculture and human nutrition
Human nutrition is vital for agriculture. Many smallholder farmers are food-insecure and suffer chronic or acute forms of malnutrition. This can permanently harm the physical and cognitive growth of children, while reducing productivity as household members are less able to carry out agricultural work.Agriculture is vital for human nutrition. Nutrition has long been considered mostly a health issue. However, agriculture plays an essential role in ensuring nutritional wellbeing not only for rural populations, but also for society as a whole.Beyond producing food in sufficient quantity, agri-food systems should also: provide diversified, safe and nutritious foods; improve rural incomes and resilience, [...]
Issue paper
Scientific review of the impact of climate change on plant pests. A global challenge to prevent and mitigate plant-pest risks in agriculture, forestry and ecosystems
Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge to the world’s biosphere and to the global community. It also represents a unique challenge for plant health. Human activities and increased market globalization, coupled with rising temperatures, has led to a situation that is favourable to pest movement and establishment.
This scientific review assesses the potential effects of climate change on plant pests and consequently on plant health. The evidence assessed strongly indicates that climate change has already expanded some pests’ host range and geographical distribution, and may further increase the risk of pest introduction to new areas. This calls for international cooperation and [...]
Issue paper
Building climate-resilient dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral production systems. An approach for context-dependent economic, social and environmentally sustainable transformations
With climate change impacts already felt in the world’s drylands, there is an urgent need for action, at various scales and initiated by different stakeholders, to ensure the sustainability of food production and livelihoods in these regions in the coming decades. There is also the need to rapidly establish baselines, assess and start monitoring progress on sustainability, emerging as result of the action taken.To aid in this effort, this paper provides a short list of expected transformations (under each of the three sustainability pillars) for guiding the planning and implementation of policy, governance and practice-level actions. Gender and indigenous people’s [...]
Using climate services in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors. Briefing note, December 2020
This brief provides an overview of Climate Services (CS) and how they can be used to assess risk and optimize adaptation decision-making in the agriculture sectors.1 It highlights entry points to integrate CS across all elements of adaptation planning while acknowledging the challenges and limitations of using CS, particularly in the least Developed Countries (LDCs). The brief also discusses key considerations in using climate services for planning and provides technical guidance on dealing with the uncertainty and confidence of climate projections.