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Many talented youth with disabilities face challenges in accessing decent jobs. Promoting quality work opportunities is essential to break the vicious cycle of poverty and exclusion.
Since 2011, the FAO Integrated Country Approach (ICA) project has boosted decent jobs for youth in the agrifood system. In Kenya, the project is working...
Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050: Biosafety and public health practices in poultry farming in Kenya
Commercial small and medium-scale poultry farms are mushrooming in, and around urban centers driven by the objective to satisfy the demand of animal source food (ASF) of a growing population. These poultry farms have too often low biosecurity levels, which creates public health risks. In a recent survey conducted in...
This video presents scientific and practical information to teach poultry breeders and small and medium poultry farms how to convert daily dead chickens into compost that could be used at fertilizing crops. This information will help increase understanding and utilization of composting as a safe disposal method that meet the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale.
The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale. The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale. The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale.
The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale. The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale. The series was produced by the...
This training video is part of an engaging series of eight videos on sustainable poultry production. The videos are being used to help small-scale family farmers adopt good practices to improve and increase their poultry production (meat and eggs) for family consumption or sale. The series was produced by the...
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