FAO emergencies and resilience

FAO opens groundbreaking conference aimed at tackling the threat of animal diseases

Global Conference on Animal Health Innovation, Reference Centres and Vaccines comes amid pressing challenges

Gaza: These atrocities must end

Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

In focus
Q&A: Forced displacement

Learn more about FAO's work on forced displacement. 


Acute malnutrition is persistently on the rise worldwide, with children suffering its consequences for their whole lives.


Discover Afghanistan's rural views in this engaging video, which showcases farmers' different perspectives. Hear personal perspectives from wheat farmers, livestock owners, vegetable farmers, irrigation canal beneficiaries, and unconditional cash transfer recipients as they tell their stories and shed light on their livelihoods.

In focus
Sustaining peace

Conflict is a major driver of food crises, followed by weather extremes and economic shocks.

In focus
Forced displacement

The increasingly protracted nature of forced displacement calls for sustainable and durable solutions.
