The Right to Food


As the United Nations specialized agency with the mandate to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, strengthen food security and healthy diets, and to promote agriculture and sustainable development, FAO is the lead intergovernmental actor advocating for and supporting the realization of the right to food.

Available in: English

Brief, 2022

The COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating food insecurity and malnutrition in the Pacific region as measures to halt the spread of the virus have unintended impacts on people’s lives. Urgent steps are needed to address food insecurity for the poorest and most marginalized.

Available in: English

Manual, 2021
Consumers are a powerful force for change towards a sustainably developing world that leaves no one behind and respects the human rights and respects the human rights of all. This publication showcases the work of a selection of consumer organizations aroung the world in securing the right to adequate food. 

Available in: English Español

Report, 2021
Consumers are a powerful force for change towards a sustainably developing world that leaves no one behind and respects the human rights and respects the human rights of all. This publication is aimed at making the connections between the important work of consumer organizations and the realization of the right to adequate food, increasing the visibility of these organizations and highlighting the importance to food security, healthy diets and food systems transformations.

Available in: English français Español

Policy brief, 2021
The application of the CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems could play a major in supporting countries achieve the Right to Food. This policy brief provides insight on the linkages between responsible investments in the agri-food sector that address food security, rural poverty, and create decent jobs for women and youth, and how these could contribute to the progressive realization of the Right to Adequate Food.

Available in: English français Español

Guide, 2020

This Guide promotes a holistic and human rights-based approach to school food and nutrition, in which legislation is an indispensable tool to ensure the sustainability of public policy goals set by a country.

Available in: English

Handbook 2021.
This publication has been developed to support the joint implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable SmallScale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines) through an integrated approach and to increase policy coherence and uptake. The document provides an overview of the contents of these voluntary guidelines and identifies potential synergies. It also explains the human rights-based approach and discusses some crucial areas, with special attention to the specific roles and responsibilities of key actors.

Available in: English

Fact sheet, 2021

The General Assembly has recognized the negative impact of climate change on food security. 80 per cent of disasters in recent years have been climate change-related extreme weather events, which have severely hit food insecure countries.

Available in: English

Brief, 2020.
This brief explains the linkages between the Right to Food Guidelines and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable SmallScale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines), two policy instruments that have similar roots and objectives. It analyses areas that provide major opportunities for synergies in their implementation, particularly in certain areas. This document also presents three cases at country level and recommends actions addressed to different actors. 

Keywords: Policy
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