أرشيف المعالم البارزة

New FAO statistical report

New FAO Statistics Working Paper


تقرير جديد صادر عن منظمة الأغذية والزراعة يظهر خسارة ما تُقدر قيمته بنحو 3.8 تريليونات دولار أمريكي من إنتاج المحاصيل والثروة الحيوانية خلال السنوات الثلاثين الماضية


Open-access WaPOR system uses geospatial data to track actual crop water consumption down to the field level


انخفاض أسعار الزيوت النباتية يعوّض عن ارتفاع الأسعار العالمية للذرة والسكّر


Avoiding and reducing losses through investment in resilience


The FAO Yearbook of Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics offers a synthesis of the major trends in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.


صدور تقرير مقلق عن منظمة الأغذية والزراعة يقدّم لقادة العالم مادةً للتأمل في واقع الحال قُبيل انعقاد مؤتمر القمة بشأن أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة

The FAO Data Explorer is the corporate data dissemination platform of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

Strong supply conditions push international commodity quotations lower except for rice and sugar

New FAO statistical report

AQUASTAT collects and analyses data from around the world to support the sustainable use of water.


The FAOSTAT Employment indicators domains focus on indicators related to employment in agriculture and in rural areas. The data provides information on the status in employment, divisions of agriculture and hours worked of the people employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing and in rural a...


Pesticides are a key agricultural input needed to protect seeds and safeguard crops from unwanted plants, insects, bacteria, fungi and rodents. At the same time, pesticides can have negative health and environmental impacts through contamination of soil, water and non-target plants and animals...

Land use statistics describe the ways in which land is utilized and managed by humans and allocated for different purposes, including through administrative arrangements. FAO collects annual land use data from countries via a standard land use, irrigation and agricultural practices questionnaire,...