Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk

Community of Practice on Food Loss Reduction



The Community of Practice (CoP) is one of the major outcomes of the first joint project being implemented by FAO, IFAD and WFP, and funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation: Mainstreaming Food Loss Reduction Initiatives for Smallholders in Food-Deficit Areas (more info here).

The CoP provides an online discussion FORUM, resources (online libraries, databases, repositories with relevant materials), and links to partners. It is a dynamic platform that will facilitate information sharing and coordination, and it will be enriched with updated information on a regular basis.

Be part of the worldwide mobilization of stakeholders to help reduce food losses and waste. As a member of the Community of Practice (CoP) you can:

  • Receive information on projects and programmes on food loss reduction and post-harvest management.
  • Participate in online moderated discussion fora, stay tuned to relevant news and events.
  • Access links to online libraries, databases and repositories with relevant materials.
  • Participate in online training and have access to e-learning modules on post-harvest management.
  • Receive a bimonthly newsletter: Technical Platform on Food Loss and Waste (TPFLW) Updates!


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