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Transform > Good practices

Discover inspiring examples of transformative actions that are making a positive impact on our global agrifood systems. Browse our collection of good practices and success stories, offering innovative solutions and powerful insights on alternative approaches for change.


The GeoTech for Tenure joint FAO/IFAD initiative connects leading land and geospatial experts and tenure specialists with regional and local partners and stakeholders to provide practical guidance in developing and implementing solutions tailored to the unique national contexts and realities found within local projects.


The ‘Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation’ (SAGA) project aims to reinforce adaptation planning for food security and nutrition in two countries particularly vulnerable to climate change: Haiti and Senegal. SAGA promotes practices that protect biodiversity and value ecosystem services and recognizes the importance of building on traditional knowledge and the key role of rural women and youth.


Sustainable solutions and alternatives to halt the proliferation of plastic


Contributing to the prevention of acute malnutrition among children in pastoral households through nutrition-sensitive livestock programming in Marsabit County.


Communities in southern Somalia have had to cope with increasing scarcity of natural resources. This combined with a lack of basic services has compounded levels of need and increased the likelihood of conflicts.


Veterinary technician, Shorena Jambazishvili, uploads the data of vaccinated animals into Georgia’s National Animal Identification and Traceability System, implemented with the technical assistance of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


An FAO project in Thailand introduced simple technology to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to help significantly reduce losses of germinated brown rice during processing and distribution operations.


FAO’s FISH4ACP programme empowers women to address falling yields and discrimination


Women are a key to the transformation of agrifood systems worldwide and to realizing the aspirations set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. Unfortunately, the contributions made by women to agriculture are frequently overlooked and women often miss out on educational opportunities. This is particularly the case for modern digital technologies...


The FAO and UNIDO Agrifood Systems Transformation Accelerator (ASTA) is a global programme designed to help Least Developed Countries make their agrifood systems more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable by fostering partnerships and generating public-private investments.

©Gorilla Conservation Coffee

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Adelphi hosted SEED programme have joined forces to support innovators in facilitating agrifood transformations and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Supporting rural families to meet their basic needs in this time of crisis.


Based on the lessons learned from technical assistance projects, consultations with stakeholders across the globe and scientific expertise, FAO has identified a number of best practices to ensure that geographical indications contribute to the development of sustainable food systems.


This compendium of good practices brings together snapshots of selected FAO’s youth-specific projects, activities and products in support of the Rural Youth Action Plan (RYAP) first biennium of implementation (2021–2022).


Accountability to affected people (AAP) is an active commitment to put vulnerable and affected people at the centre of humanitarian action. Committing to AAP means empowering people to participate in decisions and shape programmes that affect their lives. This compendium showcases various examples demonstrating how AAP commitments have been promoted and upheld in countries around the world.


FAO and the International Agri-Food Network (IAFN) joined forces to launch a pilot Accelerator Mentorship Programme to support women entrepreneurs in addressing the key challenges and constraints they face in their businesses. The programme supports African women-led Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agrifood system, ....


In late 2019, a massive outbreak of desert locusts swept across the greater Horn of Africa and Yemen. This infographic outlines the actions FAO and partners took to avert a disaster, and showcases the impacts and results of the early, scaled up action.


From restoring degraded lands to eliminating food waste, every action we take must help our global communities adapt to new pressures, such as a growing population and urbanization, all the while protecting the planet’s resources and biodiversity. Since 2016, FAO has been partnering with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to help countries build resilience in response to climate change impacts.


Solar panels and green technology combat water scarcity and help farmers grow nutritious food in Cox’s Bazar


The compendium of 15 good practices of gender transformative approaches (GTAs) includes the individual templates of the 15 good practices, provides a synthesis of the main features of the 15 GTAs presenting the core characteristics of 15 GTAs and describing the implementation arrangements, implementation cycle, the potential results of GTAs and their key success factors and challenges.