Sustainable Development Goals Helpdesk

Champion > e- Learning 

Explore FAO’s free, self-paced e-Learning courses, tailored for professionals working to implement the SDGs on the ground and enhance their ability to champion the 2030 Agenda in their locality.


This course provides an understanding of key concepts, terminology, practical tools and processes for incorporating gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) in your projects, to make them more inclusive and effective.


The course series "Surveillance and reporting obligations" introduces key concepts related to pest surveillance and pest status determination, supporting  National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPOs) in strengthening their national surveillance and reporting systems.


This course seeks to provide a basic understanding of land-cover data and its use for monitoring progress towards the achievement of international agreed goals, such as SDG 15, with a practical focus on its Indicators 15.3.1 (proportion of land that is degraded over total land area) and 15.4.2 (including its subindicators: Mountain Green Cover Index and Proportion of degraded mountain land). 


The e-learning series "Salinity solutions for crop production" provides an overview of soil salinization and presents some strategies to mitigate and adapt to this phenomenon.


The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) series consists of six courses. The first four courses take you through the steps and activities of the EAF management process, while the additional two courses focus on specific aspects of EAF.


This e-learning series will facilitate the exchange of promising approaches, tools and good practices that can be used to support the design and implementation of sustainable and gender-transformative policies, legislations and investments to advance gender equality and empower women and youth in the agriculture sector and in agrifood systems.


This course explains the importance of tenure security for the good outcome of development investments and describes how to conduct land rights recordation interventions to strengthen and secure tenure rights. It also explores how technology can support the recordation process and highlights key elements that should be taken into account when incorporating technology into it.


The 'Forest monitoring for climate action' curriculum aims to strengthen institutional and technical capacities, to meet the measurement, reporting and verification requirements, as well as the enhanced transparency framework requisites.


The course series "Social analysis for inclusive agrifood investments" is designed to provide a diverse audience with the approaches, methods and tools necessary to integrate social dimensions into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agrifood investments.


The e-learning series “Fish loss and waste” informs about food loss and waste (FLW) in the fisheries sector. With the aim of promoting understanding of the importance of FLW in fish value chains, how to apply fish loss assessment methods and inform decision-making for loss and waste prevention and reduction, this series presents key definitions, causes and solutions...


This course provides an overview of the legal and historical perspectives that led to the development of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing (Multilateral System). It emphasizes the importance of the exchange and transfer of plant genetic resources in order to feed a growing global population.


The national forest inventory (NFI) e-learning series consisting of eight courses provides an overview of the key phases of an NFI, from planning to implementation, and from data gathering to reporting.


This course has been designed to explain how to use the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) indicator, with a view to contributing to improved diets among nutritionally vulnerable women of reproductive age.


The course series "Forest and landscape restoration" introduces the concept of forest and landscape restoration through various subjects including monitoring, forest-based businesses and sourcing of genetic material for restoration.


This course uses a stepwise approach to identify critical entry points for actions within the agrifood systems to improve availability, accessibility, affordability, and consumption of nutritious food, as part of healthy diets.


This course looks closely at the gender issues that are central to the substantially lower rate of engagement of women farmers, compared with men, in inclusive agribusiness.


This series of four courses is designed to improve understanding of Codex Alimentarius and develop sustainable national capacities to engage in and benefit from Codex work. The third course provides information on the scientific basis and the application of risk analysis in Codex and explains how FAO/WHO scientific advice is used in the development of Codex standards.


Good practice shows that early warning systems should combine forecast indicators with seasonal observation indicators in order to predict the impact of hazards on different agricultural sectors. Ideally, regularly available vulnerability indicators should also be integrated to detect any impacts on livelihoods and food security of potentially affected population.


This course maps key features of governance and offers concrete methods for recognizing and managing governance issues related to agrifood systems, as well as for improving the effectiveness of FAO’s technical and policy assistance. The course follows the logic of the four phases of governance analysis developed by FAO and tested in several countries.


The course introduces the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit, a decision support system for pesticide registrars.