Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils


Ce module offre un aperçu des systèmes agroforestiers : il décrit aussi comment identifier le système agroforestier le mieux adapté et comment le planifier, l’ajuster, l’implanter  et le gérer. La section, qui porte sur l’«environnement propice» s’adresse en premier lieu aux responsables des politiques, y compris les autorités nationales et locales.

Alao, J.S. & Shuaibu, R.B. 2013. Agroforestry practices and concepts in sustainable land use systems in Nigeria. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 5(10): 156–159. 

Amonum, J.I., Babalola, F.D. & Agera, S.I.N. 2009. Agroforestry systems in Nigeria: review of concepts and practices. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, 1(1): 18–30.

Elevitch, C.R. 2000. Agroforestry guides for Pacific Islands. Permanent Agriculture Resources.

Ellis, E.A., Bentrup, G. & Schoeneberger, M.M. 2004. Computer-based tools for decision support in agroforestry: current state and future needs. Agroforestry Systems, 61: 401–421. 

FAO. 2005. Realizing the economic benefits of agroforestry: experiences, lessons and challenges. Rome.

Garrity, D., de Foresta, H., & Michon, G.  1996. Agroforests examples from Indonesia - Creating profitable and sustainable multi-purpose forests in the agricultural lands of the humid tropics. ICRAF, CIRAD, ORSTOM and the The Ford Foudation.

Iiyama, M., Neufeldt, H., Dobie, P., Njenga, M., Ndegwa, G., & Jamnadass, R. 2014. The potential of agroforestry in the provision of sustainable woodfuel in sub-Saharan Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6, 138–147.

Mbow, C., Smith, P., Skole, D., Duguma, L. & Bustamante, M. 2014. Achieving mitigation and adaptation to climate change through sustainable agroforestry practices in Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6, 8–14.

Mbow, C., Van Noordwijk, M., Luedeling, E., Neufeldt, H., Minang, P.A. & Kowero, G. 2014. Agroforestry solutions to address food security and climate change challenges in Africa. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6, 61–67.

Montagnini, F. et al. 1992. Sistemas agroforestales: principios y aplicaciones en los trópicos. 2da. ed. rev. y aum. Organización para Estudios Tropicales, San José, Costa Rica. 622 pp. 

Montagnini, F., Somarriba, E., Murgueitio, E., Fassola, H. & Eibl, B., eds. 2015. Sistemas agroforestales: funciones productivas, socioeconómicas y ambientales. Serie Técnica Informe Técnico 402, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Fundación CIPAV. Cali, Colombia. 454 pp. 

Nair, P.K.R. 1993. An introduction to agroforestry.

Rao, K.P.C., Verchot, L.V. & Laarman, J. 2007. Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management and development of agroforestry systems. Journal of SAT Agricultural Research, 4(1): 1–30.

Smith, J. 2010. Agroforestry: reconciling production with protection of the environment.

Verheij, E. 2003. Agroforestry.  Agromisa Foundation, Wageningen. 

Web links Agroforestry principles. Last accessed 22.07.2015. E-learning: silvopasture management online course. Last accessed 22.07.2015.