FAO in Syria
Sabah Al-Faraj, a dedicated female farmer field school (FFS) participant from Sreihin in Hama governorate,...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has announced the second phase...
The Eastern Ghouta in Rural Damascus was a green space rich with fruit trees and...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Ministry of Agriculture...

FAO in the Syrian Arab Republic is closely aligned with the main national strategic plans, the United Nations (UN) Strategic Framework and the FAO Strategic Framework. Intervention are prioritized in close consultation with national authorities, development partners and other stakeholders, to achieve:

  • Supporting local smallholders to produce crops and breed livestock with various types of production kits and training.
  • Sustaining the use of natural resources through rehabilitation of damaged water infrastructure and adaptation of innovative techniques for best use of resources.
  • Extend the natural resource management to include issues related to land degradation, and post crisis recovery of the environment
  • Recruiting latest satellite technology to support stakeholders with accurate analysis and studies for action at national and local level.
  • Supporting seed multiplication sector to ensure farmers have access to improved seeds to increase the productivity of their activities. 
  • Restoring, enhancing or establishing sustainable agriculture-related livelihood opportunities through development of diverse food and agriculture-related micro-enterprises in rural areas. [More]

Changing farmers’ mindsets, moving towards resilience

A series of challenges have affected the agriculture sector adversely climate change, disruption of facilities and systems, currency inflation and shortage of inputs have all added pressure to the production results of vulnerable farmers. There are pressing calls to strengthen the farmers’ resilience by promoting adaptable practices to protect and enhance their livelihoods. Knowledge and skills; financial resources and early warning tools are key to achieving resilience.

FAO in the Syrian Arab Republic prioritizes early recovery for agriculture, through:

  • Developing capacities of technicians to use technology and analytic tools for early warning and/or improved management of natural resources.
  • Promoting adaptable agricultural skills and practices through Farmers Field Schools to enhance farmers’ productivity.
  • Facilitating farmers’ access to markets, especially women, by addressing micro-business skills, such as negotiation, branding, bookkeeping and others.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to sustain the natural resources with eco-friendly solutions to mitigate climate change effects.