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Mauritania: The national multi-stakeholder platform validates its action plan on women and youth inclusion

Women present their recommendations at the workshop of the multi-stakeholder platform for land governance, Nouakchott, 8 May 2024.

The National Workshop of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Land Governance, which took place on 7 and 8 May 2024, was a crucial moment for the validation of the action plan on inclusion of women and youth, and to clarify the platform structure. This platform, established in 2017 under the aegis of Mauritania's Ministry of Economy and Finance, aims to improve national land governance.

The workshop was jointly chaired by the Ministry of Livestock and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Children and Family, which facilitated the workshop. The Organization for the Development of Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Mauritania (ODZASAM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) supported the organization of the workshop.

The workshop brought together about 40 participants from different backgrounds: government (National Committee for the Support of the Development of Agricultural Land Heritage, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development), socio-professional organizations, university, civil society (National Group of Pastoral Associations, Billital Maroobé Network, World Vision, etc.), women's organizations (National Collective of Women Pastors of Africa), regional authorities (Regional Committees of the Two Hodhs), private sector (Betaclic), the United Nations coordinating agency (Office of the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Mauritania), as well as technical and financial partners involved in the field of rural land tenure and agropastoral development in general (the Belgian development agency ENABEL, the German development agency GIZ).

Group work during the workshop of the multi-stakeholder platform for land governance, Nouakchott, 8 May 2024.

The first day was devoted to various presentations, including the presentation of FAO's tools on the inclusive approach advocated in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT). Partners also provided important information on national consultation frameworks and on the process of creating and supporting Collective Local Management Associations.

The second day of the workshop was devoted to group work sessions on three main themes.

  1. Gender and land issue with concrete proposals to strengthen female leadership, overcome socio-cultural obstacles and involve civil society more in the decision-making process.
  2. Validation of actions aimed at revitalizing and sustaining its activities, such as the definition of a clear mandate, the establishment of a secretariat and a technical unit, as well as the development of a resource mobilization strategy.
  3. Drawing of an action plan up until the end of 2024, focusing on the development of an advocacy strategy for the land rights of women and vulnerable people.

This workshop is of paramount importance for the revitalization and cohesion of the platform, as well as for the implementation of the next steps of the action plan.