FAO in Türkiye

“Strengthening the administrative system to manage and support sustainable geographical indications – TCP/SEC/3704” a final online workshop

“Within the scope of the project “Strengthening the administrative system to manage and support sustainable geographical indications – TCP/SEC/3704” a final online workshop will be organized on 22 December, Wednesday. In the workshop, training will be given by international experts on the marketing of geographical indications and information will be provided on the technical studies related to the planned changes in the registration of the geographical indications selected within the scope of the project. English-Turkish simultaneous translation will be available during the event.”


You can follow the event live on 22 December at 10.00-17.00 (GMT+3) 2021 by clicking here.


Zoom credentials for the meeting are given below:


Meeting URL:    https://fao.zoom.us/j/91912917007?from=addon

Meeting ID:        919 1291 7007

Passcode:            12345678