FAO Regional Conference for Europe - ERC 31

ERC31 – Day 2 Afternoon Session – Commissions’ Reports

 Rome time

Event starts at 13:00 Rome time / 14:00 Voronezh time 


- Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 40th Session of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA)

- Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the Joint Session of the 39th European Forestry Commission (EFC) and the 75th UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry

- Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 29th Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC)

- Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 5th Session of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission (CACFish)

- Report from the Outcome of the Debate of the 41st Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)

- Outcome of the Regional Symposium on “Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets in Europe and Central Asia”

- Report on Support to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Region

- Any other business

Topics: Agriculture & crops,Fisheries & aquaculture,Forestry,Nutrition
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