The Future of Food - Day 2, Morning Session

Sheikh Zayed Centre (FAO Headquarters)
 Rome time

Welcome Statement: Máximo Torero Cullen


PANEL 2: Governance of food systems for healthy diets
Moderator: Paul Amuna
Keynote speaker: Senator Guido Girardi
Panelists: Patrick Mink, Mariam Harib Sultan Al Yousuf, Rickard Bjerselius, Visith Chavasit, Stefano Prato


PANEL 3: Building Consumer Confidence in Food Systems
Moderator: Catherine Geissler
Keynote speaker: Marion Nestle
Panelists: Tim Lobstein, Simona Castaldi, Amos Laar, Justin Macmullan, Sharada Keats


Hashtag: #FutureofFood

Topics: Food Security
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