42nd Session of the FAO Conference

Plenary - Day 1 Afternoon Session

Virtual Meeting
 Rome time

Item 3: Adoption of the Agenda and Arrangements for the Session (C 2021/1; C 2021/12; C 2021/12 Information Note 1; C 2021/INF/1; C 2021/INF/2; C 2021/LIM/16)

Item 4: Admission of Observers (C 2021/13)

Item 5: Applications for Membership in the Organization (Vote)

Item 9: Review of the State of Food and Agriculture (C 2021/2 Rev.1) Proposed theme for the General Debate: “Agriculture Food Systems Transformation: From Strategy to Action”

Item 28: Any Other Matters


28.1: McDougall Memorial Lecture (C 2021/INF/7)

1) Statement by Mr Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Combating climate change and hunger through Innovation

2) High-level Panel discussion moderated by Mr Máximo Torero Cullen, FAO Chief Economist. Interaction with the Panel:

- Dr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General

- The Honourable Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America

- Her Excellency Thoko Didiza, Minister for Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of the Republic of South Africa

- His Excellency Víctor Manuel Villalobos Arámbula, Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico

- The Honourable William D. Dar, Secretary for Agriculture of the Republic of the Philippines

- His Excellency Saud bin Hamoud bin Ahmed Al-Habsi, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries Wealth and Water Resources of the Sultanate of Oman

3) Address by the Mr. David Hazlehurst, Deputy Secretary at the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment of Australia.

Topics: Conference-Council
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